segunda-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2016

Alice gosta de pintar quadros.

a) Alice likes to paint pictures.

b) Alice studies in the morning.

c) Alice likes to write poems.

As crianças estão no parque.

a) The children are in the mall.

b) The children are in the park.

c) The kids are studying Maths.

A mãe de Alice não pode pintar.

a) Alice´s mother is painting.

b) Alice´s mother can not paint.

c) Alice and her mother are in the picture.

Os quadros são modernos.

a) The pictures are modern.

b) The paintings are mother´s.

c) Modern are the pictures.

O detetive gosta de mistérios.

a) The inspector likes minister.

b) The detective likes mysteries.

c) The detective likes mystery pictures.

A supervisora está conversando com o aluno.

a) The supervisor is talking to the student.
b) The supersonic is playing the game.
c) The director is talking to the supervisor.

A linhas verdes são árvores.

a) The yellow lines are the trees.
b) The blue lines are not trees.
c) The green lines are trees.

Bons alunos vão a escola todo dia.

a) Good teachers go to school everyday.
b) Good students go to school everyday.
c) Good mothers go to school everyday.

Uma biblioteca é importante na escola.

a) A library is not important at school.
b) A school is important for library.
c) A library is important at school.

Uma biblioteca é importante na escola.

a) A library is not important at school.
b) A school is important for library.
c) A library is important at school.

Uma biblioteca é importante na escola.

a) A library is not important at school.
b) A school is important for library.
c) A library is important at school.

A senhorita Estela é professora de geografia.

a) Miss Estela likes geography.
b) Miss Estela is a geography  teacher.
c) Miss Estela is studying geography.

    Intelligent students can

            a) play X-Box.
            b) watch actions films.
            c) learn English.

Miss Edlene ...

a)      works on supervision.
b)      studies at 5ª serie.
c)      can not learn English.

English is spoken in

       a) the United  States.
       b) Italy.
       c) Japan.

Pedro can play

        a)  the  book.
        b)  the pencil.
        c) the ball.

Reading is good for your imagination …
Reading actives your intellectuality …
Reading makes friends …


 read ………………………………………… ler
 play …………….……………….…...……jogar
 passion …………………………………. paixão
 live ………………………………...……. morar
 aunt ………………………………………..... tia
 brother……………………………………. irmão
 town …………………………………..…. cidade

Tom Sawyer´s Adventures

Tom Sawyer is a boy who lives with his aunt Polly and his brother Sid, in the town near Mississipi.
Tom doesn´t like to go to school.
He prefers to have adventures.
Huck is Tom´s best friend, Huckberry Finn like to go swimming and fishing.
Tom Sawyer doesn´t like to work.
His aunt orders him to paint the fence.
Tom convinces his friends to paint the fence.
Tom likes Becky Tatcher.
Tom and Becky like adventure.

  1. Does Tom live with his mother ?

            a) Yes, he does.
            b) No, he doesn´t.

      2. Does he like to go to school ?

            a) Yes, he does.
            b) No, he doesn´t.

      3. Does he have a good friend ?

            a) Yes, he does.
            b) No, he doesn´t.

4. Can he convince his friend to paint the fence ?

            a) Yes, he can.
            b) No, he can´t.
5. Does he like adventures ?

            a) Yes, he does.
            b) No, he doesn´t.

6. Do Tom and Huck like to swim ?

            a) Yes, they do.
            b) No, they don´t.

7. Does Huck love Becky Tatcher ?

            a) No, he doesn´t.
            b) Yes, he does.

8. Does Huck have a house and family ?

            a) Yes, he does.
            b) No, he doesn´t.

9. Is Huck appreciated by people of the city ?

            a) Yes, he is.
            b) No, he isn´t.

10. Are Tom and Huck best friend ?

            a) Yes, they are.
            b) No, they aren´t.

  1. Do Tom and Huck like adventure
    or they like to go to school ?

            a) They like adventure.
            b) They like to study.

2. Does Tom paint the fence or convince his friends to do it ?

            a) Their friends paint the fence.
            b) Tom likes to paint the fence.

3. Is Tom a smart boy or is he stupid ?

            a) He is stupid.
            b) He is smart.

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